
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Allow Me To Introduce Myself

Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Kate and I'm a new blogger.

I know that the internet is full of craft blogs, but I'm hoping to add my own twist on the world of all things crafty.  Plus, this way I can post pictures of my projects without boring 2/3 of my facebook friends.

I have been married to my hubby for 3 1/2 years. 
I work full time as an accounting administrator.  (The farthest a person can get from creative in their work environment...)
I'm seriously addicted to pinterest (aren't we all...).
My cooking skills are average at best and I cannot sew...won't even try. 
I'm a terrible speller.  So forgive me now if my spell check doesn't catch everything.

I love paper crafts.  I used to scrapbook, but 3 years later, and my wedding pictures are still in a box.
I love to plan parties.  I am determined to plan a food table worthy of being repinned on pinterest.
I love to decorate.  And I have plenty of blank spaces waiting to be decorated.
I love to create.  And I hope to share it with the people that I love and anyone else who wants to see.
I have lots of goals...

Like, designing a new mantel each month,
Ok, let's add Curtains to this to do list too...

creating a new wreath for each holiday,

making my own cards instead of buying them,
Follow that by actually giving cards
for more than weddings and showers.


and improve my photography skills.  (I've added this one after looking at the quality of the pictures posted here.  I promise they will get better!)

So now, as I write to the zero people currently following this little blog, I'm excited to let you all motivate me to decorate my house, give crafty gifts, and plan exciting parties.

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