
Friday, February 17, 2012

Kitchen Wall

Let me start by saying I’m not a fan of my kitchen. 
The previous owner of our house must have just bought whatever flooring, countertops, and backsplash was on sale that day at Home Depot, cause none of it really matches.
Unfortunately, the thought of remodeling this room is not even on a back burner, it’s on a different stove completely.  So I must cope.

Decorating is my coping mechanism…

I love the way this wall came together.  It’s a mixture of the wine theme I chose back when we registered for wedding gifts (along with everyone else…) and the country kitchen items I’m slowly finding to replace said wine items.

The crate was a Goodwill find.  $1.50! 
I stole the idea for the grader from here.

This little bit of decorating is the start of a more livable kitchen.

Joined the link party at

The Shabby Nest
2805 - Potourri Friday



  1. Charming wall vignette, Kate! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday! I am following you and hope you will do the same.

  2. Very pretty, I love that clock!!
