
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Easter Inspiration Party

Welcome to my first ever Linky Party!

I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of projects I wanted to do for Easter.  Then a light bulb turned on…How about an Easter Linky Party!

I’m thinking that I will host a party once a month to gather inspiration for an upcoming holiday or event.

This month’s theme is Easter.

Please link up some fun Easter projects to inspire us all.

Here are the “rules”
-Please only link Easter projects made by you.  No Etsy shops or giveaways.
-Please link back to the party with either the button or text link.
-Visit some other blogs and share some love
-Become a follower of Crafty Kate in some way, shape, or form.
-Be inspired!
 Crafty Kate


  1. Hi Kate! I participated in the Easter Egg Hunt and found your party from the comments! Sharing my EASY Plastic Easter Egg Garland! Come share you projects anytime at Dwell on Joy Fridays thru Wednesdays!!!

  2. I don't have and Easter project to share, but just found myself here after doing a little blog hopping this afternoon. Im enjoying going through your past post, so I've just become your latest follower. Please come visit me at and hopefully you'll follow back.

  3. what a great link party! I love Easter, it's just beautiful: in meaning and visually. Thanks for joining our directory!

  4. Thanks for inviting me to your link party! If I put too many on, feel free to remove them. I just wanted to give your party a boost.

  5. Hi Kate,

    Thanks for the invite to your party :) I am having trouble getting the code for your button to work properly once I put it on my post but I have included the image. I'll keep trying to get it working properly.

    Claire @

  6. congrats on your first party! i tried linking up but i don't see it here--- hopefully it will show up. Following McLinky Followers ( -:

  7. Thank you so much for the invite Kate. I am also following you on Linky. What a great party. Rhonda

  8. Thanks so much for the invite and for hosting!! Awesome blog!! Just linked up and I'm your newest follower.

  9. Also, I passed on the Versatile Blogger Award to you. Visit to find how to pass it on.
