
Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Wreath

I hope everyone had a great St Patrick’s Day.   I tried (and succeeded!) making my first batch of corned beef and cabbage.  If I had known how easy it was to make, I would have started making it years ago.  Hubby even suggested we have it more than once a year.

We also celebrated my mom’s birthday.  I’ll post more about her gift tomorrow. 

I figured, since the holiday was over, it was time to take down the St Patrick’s Day wreath and hang a spring one.
I got the idea from a tutorial that I found on pinterest.
When Hubby saw it for the first time he said “I like it, it looks like a St Patrick’s Day wreath.” 
Oops!  I didn’t realize that clovers have white flowers that bloom in the spring.

I might have to add more color to it later.  But today, these white flowers were the only ones I had on hand that were the size I wanted.

Joining the fun at the following linky parties!


  1. Hi! I'm Ginger. Visiting from the bog hop. I have a craft blog, too so I'm checking out all the other crafty blogs. ;) I'm a new follower.

    Your wreath turned out great. I'm co-hosting a pinterest inspired link party. This month our theme is wreaths. I would LOVE for you to participate. Here's the link with all the details.

    Ginger @

  2. This is awesome! I found you on the gunny sack and glad I did. You have a nice blog and I'm now following you on GFC. I'd love for you to visit my blog sometime.

    Have a wonderful day!


  3. That is SO cute!! And it looks pretty easy (and inexpensive). LOVE it!
