
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weekend Update...A Little Late

So this belly just keeps getting bigger, and I keep getting less sleep.  You’ll have to excuse the absence in posts this week.  I just haven’t been able to keep my eyes open long enough to write anything!  I think it’s time to invest in a body pillow!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

I did some shopping on Saturday and found these great vases at a new antique store down the street.
  I’m not 100% certain what I’m going to do with the tall triangle vase.  The “milk” vase, as Hubby called it, replaced a wine bottle on my kitchen wall.
I have a project in mind for the 3 large frames…I grabbed them at our local Red Racks for $3.99 each.  I’ll be sharing that one soon.
On Sunday I joined the rest of the country in watching this…


Loved It!
I also found out that the girls over at Uncommon shared my GardenSigns on their Facebook page.
I was also given the Versatile Blogger award from Apples andPeanut Butter!
I’m supposed to pass the award on to several other bloggers.  As soon as I narrow down my list of favorites, I’ll let you all know who they are.
If all goes well, I’ll be back tomorrow with a completed project…cross your fingers!

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