
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Crib Wall

I’ve been brainstorming what kind of decoration I want to put over the crib for a while.  I kept coming back to the 3D paper art that people have been doing lately.  Problem was everything I found was girlie…and mostly butterflies.  This is cute, but since we don’t know if Baby is a boy or a girl, butterflies didn’t seem like the right approach. 

Sunday morning, when I was debating if I should roll out of bed or snooze for a bit longer, the idea hit me…Stars!
I had seen several of these 3D stars around Christmas.  And when I went to Pinterest for a quick tutorial, I found this from Little Birdie Secrets.

I’m so happy that I decided to go back to Hobby Lobby and get that paper book for the Alphabet Wall, because I just used more sheets from the same book to create the stars.
I even got to use my Silhouette, because I finally got a new Silhouette Blade!
The trickiest part was figuring out how to attach them to the wall.  I ended up using big loops of tape on the backsides.  Super simple.

The project didn’t take long at all.  The most time consuming part was scoring the stars so that they folded easily. 
I even have a few extra stars that I might hang randomly in the room to pull it together.

Linky Party!!!


  1. Those look awesome! I can't wait to make some.

  2. Very pretty! Such a creative idea!

  3. THESE LOOK GREAT!!! I will have to try this one some time! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower! I hope you have a great weekend coming up!!

  4. What a great idea (great colours too) - my preschool daughters would love these!! I found you via linky, joined your site, and am off to have a good look around and read some more posts - would love you to come over and visit me too:

  5. Hi Kate,

    This project turned out great!! I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Read more about it here:

    I hope you are having a great week!

  6. Stopping be from Sunshine on the Inside and I LOVE your blog! You have some really cute and creative ideas for your nursery. Very fun!

    Best of luck!

    ~Danielle from Storypiece

  7. That is so beautiful! I love the colors you chose!
