
Monday, May 21, 2012

Nursery Alphabet

Well, it’s finally up.  The alphabet project that would never end…

At least it looks good!  Not perfect, I won’t point out any of the flaws…I’m sure you can find them.  But I’m happy with the results.

You may remember that I started this project a few weeks back.

I was originally picturing the big letters that are all over pinterest.  But I couldn’t commit to the price per letter.  So I wandered around Hobby Lobby for another route.  I decided to use two sets of plain chipboard letters.  (because one set just didn't seem thick enough)  They were 4.99 a set and I had Hubby with me so that we could each use a 40% off coupon.  So the letters ended up costing me about $6.00.

After I glued the two chipboard sets together, I painted the tops and edges.  Half of the letters were painted in an off white and half in a very dark brown.  Then I used Mod Podge to apply the paper to the chipboard.


To hang the letters I used some 3M poster strips that were cut in half length wise.
This was my very high tech way of marking the center of the bookshelf.
I started at the bottom and worked my way up.  As I put the letters up I noticed a pattern to the paper.  This was unintentional.
Also, I decided on the messy/whimsical as opposed to the straight line, because it’s more forgiving of errors.

I have to end this by saying I couldn’t have done it without my friend, who was visiting from out of town.  Without her help, my pregnant brain would have messed up the alphabet…several times.

Linky Party!!
Skip to My Lou
Keeping it Simple
I'm Topsy Turvy
I Should Be Mopping the Floors
Katie's Nesting Spot
52 Mantels
Show & Share
Sugar & Dots
French Country Cottage


  1. What darling decor- especially right above a bookshelf!

  2. Wow! I LOVE this!! It turned out adorable! Great job! I'm excited to be a new follower.

  3. So cute! I just adore those alphabet walls. Thanks for the tips on making it less expensive.

  4. These are adorable. I can't pick out the flaws and have always been in shock at the price of letters. Great idea! Jodi @
