
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Craftastrophe: Craft Table Clean Up

I’m going to show you all something, but you have to promise not to judge me.

You promise?

Ok…here it is…

My craft table.  The Craftastrophe.

I have no excuse; it’s been like this since we moved into the house.  But I’ve fixed it!  Yay!!  It only took moving the whole darn thing to motivate me.
When this side of the basement was the “family room”, Hubby hung black sheets on the cement walls to make it look more finished.  He was nice enough to leave them for me when we switched sides.

The move forced me to go thru EVERYTHING!  It took about a week…I have that much stuff…
Now I have everything put away,
And organized!!

I’ve decided that I’m not allowed to buy more paper for a while.
I really want to make all the boxes cute and matchy, but just having boxes is a nice start.
It may not be cute or stylish…
But see this…

That’s a clear craft table people! 
That's mission accomplished in my book!

Linky Party
Cherished Bliss
Nutmeg Place
Ginger Snap Crafts
52 Mantels
Vinatage Gwen
Sugar and Dots


  1. You did a great job clearing off that table! I'm in the process of finishing my studio but have had to work on projects right through the transformation. So now I need to clean all that up so I can finish up and get some photos. Moving things around is a big task but so worth the work in the end. It looks great. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party!


  2. Hey! Great job in organizing and changing your craft room, but I think fun crafting is all about the mess we create, too! I get so mad at myself for not putting my things back where they belong, but don't you know I continue to plop things down while I "create"! I love neatness and I love chaos,too! Found you at the All Star Block Party, what a great site!

  3. Wow, what a difference! I think you just motivated me to clean up my craft room:)

