
Monday, February 27, 2012

Oscar Party Fun

Happy Monday blog world!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

 I hosted my 5th annual Oscar Party.  It was a great time with fun food and wonderful people.
Last week I did a tutorial on the some fun wine charms.  These were a hit!
Even the pregnant ladies drank their water out of wine glasses, just so they could use a charm.
I hung some fun paper streamers over the windows. 
Let’s not talk about my drastic need for curtains…

These were made with hand cut the stars and punched the circles.  I added some fun scrapbook embellishments for a little flare.
The vases were wrapped with scrapbook paper.  Then I threw in some fun flowers that I had on hand.

I made an impulse buy at the grocery store for the cheap yellow tablecloth.
Why do they make these so cheap that you can see thru them?!?! 
We ate fun food based off the nominated movies.  Some of them were a stretch, but I wanted fun food that was easy to make.  
Hot Dogs for Moneyball
French Fries for Hugo (yeah…I know this was one of those stretches I mentioned)
Carrots for War Horse

Fruit Bowl for The Descendants
Pretzels for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (another stretch…)
Wine for Midnight in Paris
Cucumber Water for The Tree of Life (some may call this a stretch, but after sitting thru that “movie” I thought it was pretty clever.)
Chocolate Pie for The Help (I HAD to do it!)
Black and White Cheese Cake Bites for The Artist (I would consider these a craft fail, since they were supposed to look like this  But they tasted wonderful!)

Did anyone else have an Oscar Party this year?  I would love to see your pictures!  It’s never too early to get ideas for next year.

1 comment:

  1. Super party!! OMG the fruit bowl for The Descendants is sooo clever! Why didnt I think of that? So much easier too than my silly rumaki which we didnt even end up eating! Well, the meaty ones anyway. Love the glass charms too :)
