
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Miss Me?

Good morning everyone!  Miss me?
I visited my mom’s a couple weekends ago and took some pictures of those garden signs in action.

I love where she decided to place the Grandma’s Garden sign.  A perfect spot!

On another note…the grass is growing!!  We might have a lovely front lawn by the end of the season!

Now I’m working on getting a wall arrangement figured out.  I’m close…but not quite there yet.

So now on to a confession…I’m a terrible procrastinator.  It’s in my blood…I can’t help it!
I was reading thru a blog that I recently found, Young House Love, this blog has a running to do list of projects they want to complete.  I think I’m going to steal use this idea.  It might help keep me from getting that procrastinator itch.
Some of these projects are a long way down the road, but some of them need to be completed by late June/early July (yeah, those would be everything in the Nursery list).
So, if I start to slack off on my to-do list, you all have the right to pester me.

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